Theseus Vol. 2 Graphic Novel
Theseus is a well-known figure in mythology for defeating bandits, killing the minotaur, and ruling over Athens. While the story itself is a fable, there is likely a true story that undergirds the legend. This is most definitely not it.
This is a satirical retelling of Theseus' second four adventures along his path to Athens. And rather than powerful hero from the myth, Theseus is neither very strong nor particularly smart, and is simply swept up in a tide of accidental fortunes as well as the schemes and mischief of a host of bored gods.
Theseus wards off bandits and murders on the road to Athens, then struggles to acclimate to the demands and pressures of the people of Athens and his new royal family.
168 pages
Full Color
Digital PDF for screen reading (best suited to a tablet, or something larger than a phone)
A Digital Copy (PDF) of Theseus Vol. 2, the Graphic Novel